Dirt Magic
Telling the story of Dirt Magic, the Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship’s mission to help build sustainable recreation-based communities through stewardship, job creation and outdoor recreation. Hosted by Martin Scheel
Dirt Magic
Dirt Magic - Trails Master Plan Tour
Our guests today could be labeled as prospectors of Dirt Magic. From digging deep into virtual trails to digging dirt on the trails and exploring a bit deeper to search for that ever elusive vein of gold. Maybe not gold in its traditional sense, but just as valuable nonetheless. They have a plan. It could even be called a master plan. And after a long day of prospecting and planning, these two good people of the SBTS take the time to educate folks on how to survive an encounter with quick sand. Yep, quick sand.
I would like to introduce SBTS Director of Grant Management , Michelle Abramson & SBTS Charitable Giving Coordinator Gina Achilles.
Dirt Magic-The Podcast